>  > The final as held at Salisbury Bowl club on Friday 23 rd August at 11.15am > The weather was ideal being neither too hot nor too cold. The wind died down over the day and the sky was cloudless. The two clubs in the final were Downton and Mere. > The game was good with some very close ends and the green consistent and running at a good pace. After 18 ends each Mere ran out the winners with a total of 38 shots to Downton’s 23. > The trophy was presented to the Winners by Joan Ford, Harold’s widow who was delighted to be asked to do the honours . > The members of the two squads were > Les Mainwaring, Ron Heeson, and Chris Coombs with Richard > Coombs,John Fitzgerald and Marie Wright for Mere. > Playing for Downtonn were Marie Clarke,Lewis Amber, Alan Waters, Steve Allen,Dawn Allen and Colin Morris. > The event was a great success and congratulions to Salisbury for running it. > The league and cup have both been played out and much needed after the troubles of the last few years. > I hope you all have a good break at the end of the season and that we all meet and enjoy our bowls next summer. >
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