Green Report – April 2024

Pre season preparation for the surface of the Green has been badly affected by the weather, not just of late, but all through the winter months.

We have not been able to cut the saturated grass at regular intervals, the last time being well over a week ago. The grass height needs to be gradually reduced to a playing level, in the correct conditions this may be managed over a week.

If bowls were played on the ground at the moment then damage would be caused due to the softness; on top of this the speed would be intolerably slow. Taking all this into account, the Green team will try to have a reasonable playing surface by Tuesday 16th April, but there is no guarantee, particularly if we have any more wet weather.

We’ve therefore decided to move the opening Charity Fun Day on 16th April at 2pm.

Alan Waters, Greenkeeper.

Marie Clarke is now on the County Register

Marie Clarke, from Downton Bowling Club has now earned enough points to be offered a place on the County Register.

You are awarded points as winner/runner up in club singles and for getting to certain rounds of county competitions.  If you get 6 points over a rolling 8 years, you qualify to go on the County Register.

Well done Marie! 

2024 Bowls Season – Social Bowling in Downton

Social Bowls is an important part of bowling at Downton. It helps new bowlers learn both the art and etiquette of playing bowls and builds confidence. This season we’re planning to change how our Social Bowling is organised. We will be holding two Social Bowling sessions a week:

  • A Social Bowling session on a Monday afternoon (excluding Bank holidays) starting at 2pm.
  • A Social Bowling session on a Friday evening from 6pm.

For Monday’ session, we are looking for volunteers (male and/or female) to run the session. This would involve arriving at the club a few minutes before 2pm to open up the clubhouse; put out the bowls equipment for a rink and then play a game. Afterwards, they will make the tea if needed and supervise the tidying up. If we get enough volunteers, you should only need to do this once in a season.

We will also be having Social Bowling on a Friday evening from 6pm. However we would recommend every member who has a mobile phone to subscribe to the Club’s WhatsApp group. You can then post a message on the Group saying you are going to play on a particular Friday and other players can respond saying they would like to join you. We will make tea and biscuits available on these days.

If you are willing to help the club and can volunteer for an afternoon on a Monday, please get in touch with Steve Allen by email or phone.

Thank you
Steve Allen