New Forest League, Downton v Ringwood

This, the penultimate match of the season, transpired into a game of some importance. In the League table, Ringwood lie fifth to Downton’s 4th, with a two point gap. The game was played at Ringwood, and you could hear the muffled chatter of the Ringwood players enthusing with a must win attitude as they are not confident of overtaking us with points from their last match on the carpet at Braeside the following week.
The fast speed of the Green took some getting use to, especially with the characteristic runs and swings the surface has at this time of the season. A pattern was set from the off with Colin Morris, Steve Allen and John James coping very well, as did Paul Bromage, Nick Purkis and Paul Tanner. The others floundered a bit, although the Waters triple did pull back some much needed shots at the end. Three rinks finished ahead of Colin’s triple, who went into the last end knowing two shots would take the match. There was a good deal of advice from the sidelines as Colin had the last shot to play holding one shot, but with Ringwood a very close second. Does he take the shot or try for the extra shot to win the match.? He returns to the mat to play his wood, which was wide of the mark. Match drawn at 73 shots each, and points shared.
Alan W. 22/7/23

Bournemouth Broncos v Bustards

22nd July 2023. Match Result.
The Bustards team travelled to Mayrick Park, hoping the weather forecast would be wrong & we would be able to play at least the required minimum 12 ends. Fortunately, after 30 minutes of rain, the clouds kept away just long enough for us to complete the match in full. This was good news for us, as Cathy’s rink was losing 10-14 at this stage.
Rink 1 – Paul, Ivan & Cathy won 21-15, after finding their form from end 11 onwards.
Rink 2 – Rosemary, Alan & Geoff won 29-6. A commanding performance right from the off, winning 13 ends, which included a 6 & four 3’s.
Overall match result – Bustards 50 v 21 Broncos. We now sit comfortably in third position in the league.

Next weeks match is the rearranged home match against Poole Park, which is being played on Sunday, with an 11am start.  The bar will be open from midday and all spectators are welcome.

Men’s Captain Report for June/July

New Forest. We are in 4th place, but with only two games to play there is only a slight chance of climbing up the table to 3rd. Four wins and a draw with five loses. Just two weeks to go makes the NF season quite short. One highlight was actually winning two triples out of 4 at Braeside, always a challenge on their surface.

Salisbury and District: Played 9 matches in this league, so just over halfway through the fixtures. As usual, so not unexpectedly, we are propping up the League table, although not without success. A very good win against Amesbury and an excellent victory over Alderbury where our up and coming skips, John James and Lewis Ambler, both won their rink.

In a lot of the games rinks have come close to winning overall, but the opposition always have that edge. The Herbie Turner knockout cup was conceded as we could not find twelve players. Again I think the league should give thought to allowing ladies to compliment the sides for this and also the league.

Bournemouth and District. The Bustards have just past halfway and are third. It would be a really big ask for them to improve on that position, but, with 6 games to play, stranger things have happened. The Dragons are 4th and have seven games to play, so are quite capable of runners up or winning this league.

Competitions of all sorts have been, or are still ongoing. Some notable successes, one being the victory over a very good rinks side at Ringwood in the New Forest fours. Still a couple of us in the plate competitions. As I have said before, the men have been remarkable in their support of all the League games.

Alan Waters, 18/7/23.

Bustards v Highcliffe

8th July 2023. Match Report.
Firstly, I would like to say well done to the green keeping team. With all the bad weather we have had recently, the green played really well & produced two very good games.
Rink 1 – Tony, Ivan & Cathy won 20-12, helped by a 6 & a 4 in the 12th & 14th ends.
Rink 2 – Muriel, Alan & Geoff battled hard before going down 9-15, but crucially they managed to score 2 on the last end, which enabled us to win the match overall 29-27.
Next week we are at home to Poole Park. The bar will be open from midday & all spectators are very welcome.

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Branksome Park Falcons v Downton Bustards

1st July 2023. Match Report.
The Bustards made the long trip to picturesque Branksome Park to play bottom of the league Falcons.
After a bit of light rain, their snooker table looking green played superbly well, which helped produce two excellent matches.
Rink 1 – Muriel, Alan & Geoff played out a really hard fought game, which they finally won 19-15, taking 7 shots in the last 4 ends.
Rink 2 – Paul, Ivan & Cathy all played very consistently to take their match 15-10.
Overall score Bustards 34 Falcons 25. The Bustards stay 3rd & the Falcons bottom.
Next week we are at home to Highcliffe. The bar will be open from midday & all spectators are very welcome.

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Bustards v Bournemouth Buffalo’s

24 June 2023 – Match Report.
On a glorious day, 3rd place Bustards took on 4th place Bournemouth Buffalo’s.
Rink 1 – Paul, Ivan & Cathy won 15 ends on their way to an emphatic 30-4 victory.
Rink 2 – was much harder work for Muriel, Alan & Geoff, who put up a good fight before going down 9-19 to a very strong Buffalo’s trio.
The overall match score was 39-23 to the Bustards, who remain 3rd. The Buffalo’s drop to 5th.
Next Saturday we make the long journey south to face bottom of the table Branksome Park Falcons.
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S&D – Downton v Pewsey Reds

Downton won one rink & lost two.
Nick, Dibbie & Rod did really well to come back from 2-10 and narrowly lost 16-18.
After 14 ends John, Lewis & Colin were 14-16 down. Sadly, the Pewsey trio then pulled away to win 16-28.
On the final rink, Ivan, Paul & Geoff won 12 ends on their way to an excellent 15-10 victory.
Overall score Downton 47, Pewsey 56.

Bustards v Swanage Dolphins

June 10th, 2023 – Match, Result
Tough day at the office in the heat, against the unbeaten Swanage Dolphins.
Tony, Muriel & Ivan sadly didn’t play very well & lost 9-19.
Rosemary, Alan & Geoff put in a great performance & won 18-16. This is the first rink the Dolphins have lost all season, so very well done.
Overall the match score was 27-35 to the Dolphins. Bustards 2 points, Dolphins 4. We are now comfortably in third place, but even at this early stage of the season, it looks like a straight fight between the Dolphins & Lyndhurst for the title.
Next match is at home to the Bournemouth Buffalos on 24th June. All spectators are very welcome.
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